Active Wellbeing – Workplace Funding Success Stories
8th August 2024
Workplace Funding
Hear from some of your civil service and public sector colleagues who benefited from CSSC’s workplace funding.
Ministry of Justice | Zumba

The Zumba class was attended by 14 staff members including senior probation officer, head of offender management deliver, prison offender managers – operational, non-operational and probation.
“I really enjoyed the class, it was much more fun than I was expecting”
“Although some steps were challenging, I am proud I followed the class”
“As soon as this started, I enjoyed it so much, the steps and focusing on my body helped me with feeling less stressed”
“This is the first time I exercise in a long time, I think I will start joining gym activities again”
“I had not exercised since having children, I had so much fun, I will make sure I have some time for myself again”
Defence Equipment and Support | Team Building – Laser Fusion

38 of us went to Laser Fusion in Bristol city centre. The funding allowed us to massively subsidise the opportunity for everyone. It allowed several different grad schemes as well as one apprentice scheme to get to know each other. Everyone had a great time.
“It provided me with the opportunity to meet other grads while improving my fitness”
“I really enjoyed being able to meet other people from my workplace, who I don’t normally see”
“I loved doing something fun that was also active!”
MOD | Yoga

The funding meant that we were able to deliver Wednesday lunchtime yoga sessions throughout the month of April to support Stress Awareness Month. The classes were enjoyable, relaxing and allowed for some time out away from screens. The sessions were well attended, and we had a mixture of ages and abilities from across different parts of the organisation. By having them throughout the month we were able to appeal to a wider audience. The sessions were excellent at giving some time to focus on well-being and provide some respite in the working day.
“I very much enjoyed the Yoga sessions. They helped to clear my mind and refocus which was brilliant as I found that I didn’t suffer from the post lunch lag and was more productive in the afternoon”
“The yoga sessions were brilliant. I felt SO relaxed afterwards and went back to my desk feeling calm, relaxed and ready to tackle anything. It’s amazing, the power of breathing and taking a bit of time to focus on yourself”
“Simply the time away from the desk and to focus in on the movements of yoga allow a quieter, refreshed mind ready to tackle work again! The stretch and strength and range of movements must also prevent some of the musculoskeletal issues that can be associated with prolonged desk work”
Environment Agency | Rounders

The active wellbeing fund allowed us to buy a rounders set with posts, bats and balls with the idea to organise several friendly lunchtime rounders games to get people out of the office over the summer.
Despite most of us not having played rounders since school, we quickly got into the swing of things (no rounders pun intended) with much competitiveness for a friendly game!
“It was great seeing people from different teams join in and get active in their lunchbreaks. There was some excellent teamwork and definite improvement in our rounders game by the end”.
“Great opportunity to get to know people from other teams in a non-work setting and to just add a bit of fun and excitement to a day in the office”.
“It was great fun and really nice to step away from the desk over lunch! I will definitely come along to the next one and will encourage some more of the team to come too”.